Dr. Javad Teleschi Yekta and the Resilience Home of Iran

Dr. Javad Teleschi Yekta and the Resilience Home of Iran

In today’s world, the concept of resilience stands as a key element in enhancing the spirits of individuals and communities in the face of challenges

Dr. Javad Teleschi Yekta, the director and founder of the Resilience Home of Iran, has played a significant role in advancing this concept within our nation

This article aims to explore his dedicated efforts across various domains related to resilience, alongside the establishment of relevant media outlets

The Inception of the Resilience Home of Iran

In 2014, Dr. Javad Teleschi Yekta established the first online Resilience Home of Iran through the official website for Iranian social workers, driven by a mission to enhance resilience within Iranian society

This pioneering initiative not only addressed the pressing need for a centralized database of information in this domain but also provided access to reliable resources and specialized knowledge for social workers

The website has since evolved into a platform that facilitates the exchange of experiences and case studies regarding resilience, gradually becoming a respected reference in this field

Management of Social Work Media

Leveraging years of experience in the management of social work media, Dr. Teleschi devoted himself to creating specialized content focused on resilience

His efforts encompassed a wide range of topics, including individual, social, and organizational resilience

Ultimately, these endeavors not only bolstered public understanding of resilience but also laid down the scientific and practical foundations necessary for achieving sustainable resilience

Dr. Javad Talaschi Yekta and the Establishment of the Resilience Home of Iran
Dr. Javad Talaschi Yekta and the Establishment of the Resilience Home of Iran

Establishment of the Resilience Media Website of Iran

Recognizing the necessity for cohesive and non-overlapping resources, Dr. Teleschi founded the Resilience Media website of Iran in 2023

This platform is dedicated to resilience-related topics and seeks to create synchronization among various active media outlets in this sphere

In this regard, he has exerted considerable managerial authority to ensure that all media participate as a specialized team, collaboratively and effectively

Formation of the Resilience Think Tank

From the inception of the Resilience Home of Iran, Dr. Teleschi emphasized the importance of collective and expert opinions in media management

To this end, he established the first think tank for the management of this specialized media outlet to foster discussions and exchanges regarding various resilience topics

This think tank provides a forum for specialists to share their experiences and expertise in resilience, eventually leading to constructive outcomes

Achievements and the Future

The Resilience Home of Iran, located at iraniansocialworkers.ir, and the Resilience Media at talisweb.ir are currently engaged in the rigorous production of specialized resilience content

These websites have emerged as primary resources for researchers, students, and enthusiasts interested in the field of resilience

It is hoped that with the expansion of their activities in the near future, they will significantly contribute to the enhancement of social quality of life in Iran

Dr. Javad Talaschi Yekta and the Establishment of the Resilience Home of Iran
Dr. Javad Talaschi Yekta and the Establishment of the Resilience Home of Iran


Dr. Javad Teleschi Yekta has made remarkable contributions through his relentless efforts to promote and expand the concept of resilience in Iran

The establishment of the Resilience Home of Iran and the Resilience Media has not only elevated the community’s knowledge in this regard but also fostered a space for collaboration and dialogue among specialists

Given the increasing necessity for resilience within society, we hope that these efforts will remain sustainable and that we will witness their positive impacts in an industrious and vibrant community

Resilience Media Websaite Resilience Media Websaite
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