Social ties- resiliency and social sustainability

Problem solving and meeting the diverse and multiple needs of society, without damaging the opportunities and chances of future generations, are significant factors in protection and sustainability of social assets. It is very important that the next generation will be able to benefit the opportunities for growth and development, and use the environmental and social resources without any threats and failures. Resiliency is the power of stable confrontation, and further the recovery of lost or damaged sustainability. So the resiliency strength to recover and protect the social sustainability is obvious.
Community Sustainability Index (SSI) is the assessment of progress toward sustainability. This index can demonstrate social balance, sustainability and maintaining. Although social stability in confronting with threats happens in the present time, it is the consequence of past actions, and at the same time prospective. Management Development and preservation of psychological and social assets are of very specific function of resiliency and sustainability, though communities should consider social ties in utilizing environmental and economic resources.
The ultimate goal of managing development on social, environmental and economic resources is promoting sustainability and strengthening resiliency, and these two are overlapping in many cases.
Providing definitions in both categories is challenging enough, and a context for further theoretical discussions, but resiliency and social sustainability are the opposing point of vulnerability and fragility. Therefore Resiliency Home (the first resiliency website in farsi) welcomes the opportunity of raising the year motto “Social Work”, and believes that the social workers community will use all the scientific and practical capacities to explain the concept of the coming year motto.
Resiliency and social sustainability can be significantly developed in the all laws and plans by considering social ties. It is hoped that the social workers community will be able to provide appropriate amendments for all bills and executive programs in economic, educational, environmental and construction fields.

Mohammad Reza Moqaddasi | resiliency lecturer and researcher

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