Social workers manifesto in Iran

In the Name of God

Social Workers Manifesto

I, as a professionally skilled social worker, promise to set and implement my professional relations on the basis of Social Workers Manifesto and herby acknowledge my deepest consent to and real belief in the following provisions

As my foremost promise, I undertake to serve honestly the people, communities and society, in a way that would lead in social conditions betterment and improvement

I welcome the duties, to the fulfillment of which I feel proud, with open arms

I prefer my professional responsibilities to my personal interests and try my best to sacrifice my personal interests for the public welfare

I undertake to guard people’s secretes from those to whom the disclosure is not allowed and accept the privacy policy, as one of the most important principles is Social Work, with open arms

I approach the scientific measures, findings, and theorists’ viewpoints from the perspective of respect and choose to express and interpret them logically.

I strictly believe in the professional principles of Social Work and establish my conduct on the basis of science, experience and Social Working skills

As my professional responsibility, I accept to offer the humanity my scientific and professional beliefs, and findings, for the sake of human’s welfare programs improvement and social services development, and hereby I declare to support such plans.

I undertake to try my best in guarding and saving the society and preventing immoral behavior of people or organizations who take part in social welfare activities unduly

I declare my readiness for offering the required professional service at the time of force majeure and unpredicted disasters

I discriminate between my conduct and speech as a member of the society, and my professional conduct and speech as a representative of an institute in society, and admit to recognize them and discriminate them from each other explicitly and honestly.

I support the principle that and profession requires professional education and training

I promise to help develop and maintain the conditions which enable the social workers in various centers behave in accordance to this manifesto

I undertake not to base my professional judgment on personal demands and emotions. I try to understand human’s feelings and avoid personal prejudice so as to contribute to the discovery and flourish of facts

I will accomplish my undertakings and promises with respect to the priority of the issues, as deemed proper in any specific situation, for the fulfillment of the aims of this Manifesto. I will consider the principles of Social Work and select the way that is in complete accordance with the provisions of this Manifesto in serving

Iran Association of Social Workers

Sealed by Iran Association of Social Workers

Established in 1978

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