Migrations lead to increase the child labor

Migrations lead to increase the child labor
Writer: Mehrimah Bahramzadeh; the social worker and master of family counseling
The phenomenon of the child labor is one of the programs of big cities in the world. The expansion of the problem has involved both developed and developing countries. Part of the child labor cause this problem due to the increasing migration to the big cities especially the Capital.
Immigrants and the nationals of the neighbor countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq play a major role.
The child laborers are the part of bigger group of children in problems or invulnerable children who spend a long time permanently or temporarily outside of home and school with lack of leisure time with their friends.
In my opinion, the child labor is not only a definition including children working in the streets but also those who are working in dangerous industries such as mines, welding, metal melting plants and the other places nightly, and we see scavenge of the children in metropolitans.
The children of this phenomenon are exposed to negative consequences and dangers arisen by violence, abuse, crime, and social deviance.
The concept of child labor is general and includes examples and different groups of children but we could have a rational perception with 4 criteria:
1) The incentive and why they work in the streets and other jobs
2) The time spent in the streets
3) Supervising and care methods for children
4) The condition and the actions of the children
4 categories on child labor:
1) Invulnerable children in hard situation
2) Child labor and independent streets
3) Street children and the child labor (Lusk)
4) The children working at dangerous industries and factories
It could be considered that these factors indicate a strong impact of social entities on prevalence of child labor in one hand; on the other hand incompatibility of their families with the structures and manners of new urban life and lack of healthy educative templates and economic inability of family head and the lives in traumatic neighborhoods are factors which reduce the socializing and normality of children and we suggest to plan for recognition, prevention and reduction of child labor and the harms caused by this which should be in 3 levels:
1) Macro level (relations between macro social structures like economy and culture)
2) Mid level (communication and interactions between socializing entities and how they affect each other)
3) Micro level (interactions of people in alleys, streets and the relations with relevant entities)
Any level has noticeable components which leads to child labor.
Anthony Giddens, sociology
Saeed Moeedfar, the sociology of contemporary social issues in Iran
George Ritzer, contemporary sociological theories
Observations and interviews accomplished by the writer