Getting acquainted with the home of resilience

We here mention to the Iranian home of resilience and its purposes and actions. In the end, there is a brief note on the book of Iranian home of resilience.

Introducing the Iranian home of resilience

Iranian home of resilience is a comprehensive center for research on resilience in order to serve the people. The center has researches about resilience. It presents services for the society such as resilience training in a new different method. Iranian home of resilience is an independent exclusive center for a quickly access to the specific contents in the field of resilience.

The center facilitates the easier and immediately access to the resilience training.

Iranian home of resilience has been set up since 2014 under the control of Iranian social work Media, and up to now it has had outstanding activities in the areas of training and specific contents on resilience. This independent center is the pioneer for research and training by publishing the annual book titled “The book of home of resilience”.

The purposes of the Iranian home of resilience

One of the greatest purposes is introducing and making the resilience cultural in the society. The other purposes:

  • Making a database and releasing scientific essays on resilience for students and patients
  • Creating an appropriate context of research about resilience
  • Introducing the local resilience experts and cooperating with them in order to train and create the relevant content
  • Increment of scientific issues and resources about resilience in Persian
  • Holding of workshops on resilience training for those who are interested in solving the individual and social problems
  • Publishing the book of home of resilience in order to make the resilience cultural

Introducing the book

One of the unique actions of Iranian home of resilience is collecting and publishing the contents produced by the center in the form of a book. This will be the 6th book of the center; because the mental health is one of the most important purposes of the Iranian home of resilience. According to the vast range of resilience, publishing a book comprehensively helps covering the basic and axial issues. It will be published in Autumn 2022. The book contains subjects released on, resilience club, and Iranian online social work journal in 2021, 2022.

<strong>Founder and manager of Iranian home of resilience</strong>

Founder and manager of Iranian home of resilience

Mr. Javad Teleschi Yekta (brief resume: social worker, PhD in strategic and organizational management of coaching , value-creating manager at the national festival of Arman-e-Bartar in 2018)
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