The real treatment of outrage occurs when we have properly discovered its roots

The real treatment of outrage occurs when we have properly discovered its roots
Javad Teleschi Yekta
The management of Iranian social workers website
The words of Anger, violence, furious are like sadness, unhappiness which can not be neglected and the treatment requires deep and accurate study. Confronting with anger, the reasons cause anger should be analyzed and surveyed. The question which should be noted is what reasons cause and increase this level of anger in the society and the process of anger should be noticeably investigated.
Briefly and simply:
How can a person be so angry which affect the society in various ways while he has a vast background of kindness?
Without scrutiny of the factors of outrage and the efforts for solving the problem, we have just superficially treated. For example, for various groups of society we resort to educations such as skills of anger control; because we do not have enough information about the problem, there are still reasons cause anger. With use of simple and temporary tactics, we are apparently pacifying the whole society, while the violence becomes institutionalized gradually and steadily.
For instance, a child is hungry and cries from hunger, and we try to make him silence without recognition of the problem and scrutiny of the main factor of violence arisen by the hunger and weakness. Imagine we succeeded to control his anger in a short time; while the basic reason is the hunger, is it possible the child rebels again?
By linking of this simple example to the other conditions or different situations of individual and society, we will find out easily the factors of anger at different levels. If the reasons of social harms like violence to be discovered, we will have a successful social action.
Factors of violence in the society:
Inflation, unemployment, low income, high expenditures, inability of family head to satisfy their needs, worrying social and political news and information, fear about future, high activity of groups of people on social networks, reduction of sufficient social dialogues, decrease of emotions among family members, increment of social harms caused by these factors such as poverty, divorcement, narcotics addiction, and so on.
In current situation, we expect the psychological and social experts who work in different fields (especially based on their social responsibility) avoid from non_expert and superficial viewpoints without any practical solutions on social issues.
It should be remembered that the nature of social issues are such that if they become epidemic, the whole society will be polluted and no one is immune from their harms. By a public social mobilization, we should all try to eliminate the problems and think about the family and society vaccination; let’s not be indifferent about our social issues. Perhaps one of the most important of reasons which increase the problems is unfortunately society indifference.
Javad Teleschi Yekta
The management of Iranian social workers website