Pathology of resilience training in Iran

resilience training in Iran
According to the statistics of the resilience training all over the country, it is deduced that we need to promote the training process qualitatively as well as a pervasive, efficient and coherent system of monitoring in order to find out they are effective or not.
Importance of training
Due to the widespread and uncontrollable speed of changes and evolution in today’s world along with unavoidable needs of people to the training in different societies and in various aspects , we need to consider it differently and it should be addressed as primitive needs of human being.
Custodial entities should have a special attention to the motivation of learning while planning on educational fields. Motivation of learning and training should be considered as one subject, because Education Ministry cannot help the society to achieve the purposes only by training.resilience training in Iran
Resilience training in Iran
During the last years, the resilience training has been accomplished in various forms whether in governmental or non -governmental systems. According to the statistics of the resilience training all over the country, it is deduced we need to promote the training process qualitatively as well as a pervasive, efficient and coherent system of monitoring in order to find out they are effective or not.
Unfortunately, there is an undeniable and increasing need to a pervasive and institutionalizing training system of resilience due to the different social, political, cultural and economical conditions, quality and quantity of social communications, increasing of social crimes and harms, less tolerance threshold as well as more social insensibility.

In recent years, all training has been implemented tastefully without any assessment and feedback due to the lack of coherent and efficient process on resilience training ; titles of workshops are more important than making the people and participating groups resilient!
There is an example to imagine the resilience training:resilience training in Iran
To hold a big workshop with 100 participants you need an Instagram poster and a photo of lecturer with virtual or non-virtual address to observe a lot of photos on auto news readers which indicate a workshop has been held in a place. What is neglected is to address the quality and efficiency of resilience training.
Up to now, due to the lack of attention to the objective purposes of resilience training, the questions below have remained unanswered; for example:
- How much do they focus on the quality of training?
- What are the consequences of training workshops for governmental and non-governmental organizations?
- To what extent is the effect of resilience training for participants in workshops?
- Is participating in workshops useful or effective to understand the real concept of resilience?

Propounded purposes in order to train resilience
In the first place, we should concentrate on the objective purposes of training to emphasize on behaviors which are achievable, observable and measurable at the end of the course. For this reason, objective purposes of training are sometimes called as learning, functional, behavioral purposes. Achievement or non-achievement of the determined purposes leads to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the educational process.
Therefore, there are 3 types of information for objective purposes: condition, function and criterion. If there is no specific criterion for all phases of a training based on resilience, all phases will be discredited, and ineffectiveness of the process will be proven.
One of the most important subjects in order to plan and train is determining of purpose which causes both learners and lecturers know what to do.
What should we do to train the resilience?
A great and efficient training regardless of its subject has to make people thoughtful . It means that training makes them think and focus on subject. For instance this factor leads to understand the real concept of resilience.
The content of training especially about resilience should be based on interaction and cooperation. The content and the model should be based on cooperative approach and team working which lead to a dynamic and discourse-making training.
Continuous assessment in the form of a process should dominate the workshops; it should be provided and planned purposefully . It is worth noting that workshops should have functional assessment especially self-assessment.resilience training in Iran
One important item for resilience workshops is continuous training which causes learners and lecturers to be able to communicate mentally and in discussion form for a long time. In this case, we can have the required feedback and assess the effects.