The working method with recovered addicts

One of the most important concerns of drug abuse social workers are programs of following up and staying cleanness after recovery. Many different methods were innovated and implemented that all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. So the following method, which requires the social work

specialty, is one of the offering methods that I suggested for working in the addiction treatment field.
In new methods of psychological and social work services to the target group, participating issue for promoting group member’s motivation is concerned, in this method understanding individuals and learning from them (not just treating them) is raised. Raising interest in individuals for transmission knowledge and skills to each other, creating desire for entering to the same groups, empowering weak and low abilities individuals by teaching them analyze skills, discussing and making decisions and analyzing the current circumstances, believing in flexibility in decision and choose circumstances and relearning issues are key factors of this method.
Creating the environment for training and transmission skills and understanding between individuals and their relationships with other group members and also other groups, rising individual motivation for group activities and asking responsibility from them, creating ranking between them especially in decision making, the importance of each person in making decision and also in overlapping (size of circle) are aims of this method.
This method will be implemented by the following model and it is necessary to consider that this method is the process and not a project and in the case of success the time will be minimized.

Mehdi Fallahi
Social Worker

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