Completion statement of Iranian social workers’ third media campaign

Completion statement of Iranian social workers’ third media campaign
*** The third media campaign of Iranian social workers was accomplished with significant participation of active social workers on different social fields by subject of social support necessity of recovered addicts.
*** Performance of this media campaign come true via simultaneous publication of notes and related articles, bilingual (English and Persian) along with 12 active website on the field of social work (including 8 independent Persian websites and 4 English websites which are sub-group of a number of Persian websites).
*** In performing this media campaign, existent potentials have been used in cyber space on social network fields ideally; so that articles and related notes broadcasted widely on internal and external social networks especially social work’s English speaking groups concurrent with broadcasting in Persian and English websites.
*** The powerful and stable accomplishment of the third media campaign was a real unity manifestation of Iranian social workers. The unity has taken place on the field of Iranian social work for 3 years and it can be clearly visible and to be analyzed and evaluated in periods like the performance of such a media campaign.
And what did it motivate in performing this third media campaign under the title of social support necessity of recovered addicts?
1. We believe that there was a close relationship between addiction, recovering and real struggle against drugs.
2. We believe that helping to protection and continuation of recovered addicts’ purity is the main and inseparable part of the widespread process of anti-drugs and certainly addiction.
3. We believe that the easy returning of recovered addicts toward addiction and in fact hard life of the past time (under any title even solved titles like offence in recovery) neutralize and undermine all efforts done in different paths of education, research and especially prevention (in all forms and levels).
4. We believe that the recovered addicts are inseparable part of our society and so that we must have practical and effective thoughts, planning and policy to make powerful of this part of society.
5. We believe that when being saved an addict means being saved a society, as a result returning an addict to the addiction means society destruction and nothing else. Be sure when we believe and understand it heartily (not oral), we will be able having a comprehensive and real struggle against addiction.
6. We believe that the adopted policies and attentions by authorities and government and non-government organizations are well and admirable and appreciable for employment and economic empowerment of recovered addicts but it is insufficient.
7. We believe that the main condition to help recovered addicts is their anonymity protection regarding addiction otherwise, according to the intellectual and cultural barriers of our society there is not real acceptance in current situations and hereof it must be strong planning for social stigma removal and subsequently full social acceptance.
8. We believe that the social stigma is one of main factors for addiction returning and reversion. A response must be given to this question: what have we done for solving this major and subjective issue?
9. We should conclude we have notable statistics of tired and released persons from addiction along with involved persons with addiction at different groups of age, sex, education, and class and they follow different ways for certain cure and release under the title of recovered addicts.
10. So that there is anti-drug headquarter for first group and we must have public foundation or independent semi-public foundation to organize and empower for second group and this will be the real complementary for anti-drug process.
11. We are afraid and anxiety concerning the serious and tangible absence of social work experts community in addiction treatment.
12. We believe that the social treatment of addicts is counted as very important and inevitable part of the actual treatment of the disease but now there is no matter with this title in addiction treatment.
Iranian social workers community has many things to say in different process of social treatment of drug addicts, especially recovered ones and it is essential the undeniable potential of this specialized community should be efficiently exploited and used by considering the necessity of achieving social treatment of addiction.
And our partners in this media campaign…
We hereby thank and appreciate the support and accompany of respected directors of each the twelve sites, officials, experts, colleagues and students for full participation in the implementation of this media campaign for 30 working days.
Dr. Mohammad Reza Iravani: honorable director of 2012 clinic website
Mr. Ahmad Ali Jabbarjadeh: honorable director of Aida clinic website
Mr. Mahdi Fallahi: honorable director of Pouna clinic website
Mr. Amin Movahedi: honorable director of Iranian social workers’ professional website
Mrs. Mina Arvaneh: honorable director of Iranian social workers’ first website
Mrs. Mehri Fatayi: honorable director of Shams-e-Kariman clinic website
Mrs. Kobra Rad Ajpisheh: honorable director of Safir-e-Salamat clinic website
Mrs. Tayebeh Jafari: honorable direcctor of navid-e-Zendegi clinic website
Mr. S. Ahmad Rahimi: honorable chief of the national association of social work centers
Dr. Homayoun Qesmati
Dr. Fatemeh Jafari
Mrs. Farzaneh Fakharjadeh
Mrs. Maryam Siahpoush
Mr. Sajad Majidi Parast
Mr. Mohammad Reza Moqadasi
Mrs. Fereshteh Mohamamdi Saqayi
Mr. Hamed Olamayi
Mr. Morteza Danayifar
Mrs. Maryam Por mahammadi Azar
Mr. Arash Tavakoli
Mrs. Golfam Seif
Mrs. Sabereh Sadeqi
Mrs. Pouneh Imam Shoushtari
Mrs. Mina Noorollahi
Mrs. Katayoun Hajipour
Mrs. Saba Reza zadeh
Mrs. Tara Khayat Zadeh
Translation team/ International Official Website of Iranian social workers
Mrs. Sobhani, Mrs. Imam Shoushtari, Mr. Teleschi Yekta
Special thanks:
At the end we appreciate and thank the sincere accompaniment and unsparing efforts of Mrs. Sobhani (The international team member of official website of Iranian social workers) due to the efforts in favorable translation of articles and notes in English for third media campaign.